Home learning easy a useful project for students for this situation student student can easy to learn at home and education process to continue to learning process in this situation. gcert also provide all all subject material. How to use it home work home learning also teacher are connected and track the situation of material learning teacher can use Microsoft teams and know a process of no progress of of home learning materials this material is useful to student in the situation all subject Gujarati in the Hindi Sanskrit maths science social science and also standard of standard 1 Standard 2 standard 3 standard 4 standard 5 Standard 6 standard 7 Standard 8 also provide all material to standard 9 standard 10 standard 10 standard 11 and standard 12 also including the activities of education student play and learn at home in this situation gcert work very well for student and teachers in this situation this material of home learning is very helpful to teacher and student to connect each other with education purpose.


Home learning is  very important thing during lock down period it is the very important for the student when student it did not go to the school. it is very important important important app for students to study from from home student can study by by themselves without without teacher student can study any subject to anywhere whenever student want to study this material have them
Free for education is we are including all types of videos to helpful and earning to student at home this collection for only for student to reach eat and easily and learn year very well in this post our purpose is is helpful to student in this situation to learn at home easily all subject will use and collection day 2 day here to provide it to student they can easily e use this link and open the videos of all subjects of learning after long time this is this collection is very useful to student to learn at home we provide all type of videos and subject collection from gcert SSA material directors of all videos is is also provided under in footer to use this selection is open source for all the students to use it and learn at home easily Tu all subject type video collection also we provide it crease to video to use check his or her the learning process self learning self quiz are also provided in this post all type of trees are here useful to all the This post power links including to help with student easily to learn at home the situation the student cannot go to the school but here is a here is a digital era material self learning also provided material of all type of taste also we provide it application to easily learn helpful student after long time this material is very useful every time everywhere anywhere anywhere anytime am how to use of this material firstly you learn open this named and they go to the link option we provided day-to-day links all videos are subject wise categories to click on the link and view the video and learn at home after you also connected and a giver quiz of self learning
Gujarat Council of Educational Research and Training (GCERT) is a leading state level institution for enhancing quality education in state and state level primary and secondary schools,Prior to 1988, it was the State Institute of Education. It was later upgraded to SCERT in 1988 under a resolution of the State Education Department. The Upgraded SCERT, now known as the Gujarat Council of Educational Research and Training (GCERT), is a fully-fledged state-level educational institution and is managed and guided by a board of directors as well as an executive committee.
Gujarat state Textbook Mandal was established in AD 1969 on 21st October. Since 38 year mandals main target. top quality textbooks are published and to Gujarat students they're easily available at reasonable prices.
Through Mandal Std. 1-12 Gujarati Medium textbooks are published. Thereafter in Hindi, English, Marathi, Sindhi, Urdu, Sanskrit and Tamil Language also text books are published.


. In June 2004 Std. 8 & 11
. In June 2005 Std. 9 & 12
. In June 2006 Std. 10
. In June 2007 Std. 5 & 6
. In June 2008 Std. 7
. In June 2008 Std. 8 for English Subject book for supplementary reading
. In June 2009 Std. 9 for English Subject book for supplementary reading
. In June 2009 Std. 10 for English Subject book for supplementary reading
. In June 2008 Std. 8 (Prathama-I) textbooks for Sanskrit Pathshala
. In June 2009 Std. 9 (Prathama-I) textbooks for Sanskrit Pathshala
. In June 2010 Std. 10 (Prathama-I) textbooks for Sanskrit Pathshala
. From June 2008,
Std. 11 Computer Introducing textbook(with all streams )
Std. 8 Yog, Health and education
. From June 2009,
Std. 12 Computer Introducing textbook(with all streams )
Std. 9 & 10 Yog, Health and education
. Std. 8-12 Science Subjects experiment books formation, translation and distribution.
. Std. 10 main 5 subjects self study workbook formation and distribution.
. Std. 12’s Science Stream and General Streams main 10 subjects self study workbooks formation and distribution.
. Std. 3 & 4 self study workbook’s formation and distribution
. Std. 5,6 & 7 self study workbook’s formation and distribution
. Std. 5-6 Experiment book and map book formation (with medium)
. Std. 7 Experiment book and map book formation (with medium)
. Under “Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan” Mission for SC/ST children for youngsters innovative activity as a part of Std. 1, Number writing (1-50), Std. 4 Hindi basic letters and for Std. 5 English basic letters textbooks Prakashan and distribution.
Teacher plays very essential role in the field of education who teaches students very nicely to be a person of good moral and behaviour. They make students academically superb and always encourage to do better in the life. They equip students with lots of knowledge, skills and positive attitudes so that students can never feel lost and go ahead. They help students to get sure about their goals of education through clear vision and ideas. Without teachers in the life one cannot grow mentally, socially and intellectually.

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